Hi, I'm Baptiste 👋

I'm a Product Manager and Web Developer

Baptiste Jacquemet

Hi, I'm Baptiste 👋

I'm a Product Manager and Web Developer


I write pretty much about anything. You’ll find contents about Web Development, Product Management, Projects I work on and, in general, initiatives with a Positive Impact.

Escape the conference: the APIDAYS game

Last December, the biggest edition of APIDAYS was organized in Paris, with more than 2500 attendees. That was a fantastic event, full of energy, amazing speakers and attendees. For this special event, Mehdi Medjaoui wanted to innovate with a game. So we created together “Escape The Conference”.

It only takes one post to start

For the past years, I’ve been an active reader, consumer of contents from many sources. The web is full of people that want to express themselves, give their opinion and share their knowledge.

By nature, I’m not one of them. On this part of my personality, I’m more like an introvert: listening, but not talking too much.